
Kimberly Reddick
Growing up on a ranch in rural Oklahoma, I found solace and adventure in the pages of Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew books, which allowed me to travel in my mind. My love for reading blossomed into a passion for writing, though the journey wasn’t straightforward. In high school, math was my favorite subject, while English was a struggle. However, college flipped the script as I developed a deep appreciation for literature, with professors encouraging me to major in English despite my doubts about my writing abilities.
I graduated with a Bachelor’s in Computer Science and embarked on a career that unexpectedly highlighted my knack for creating detailed, step-by-step instruction manuals. This earned me the title of “document queen,” as I became known for breaking down complex processes, procedures, and architecture configurations into accessible guides. This talent for clarity and instruction led me to realize that I could use this skill for myself.
Battling perfectionism, I began dipping my toes into writing with journals and a word search book. Now, I’ve found my stride in creating training manuals, utilizing my strength in simplifying the complex. My goal is to help others through these manuals and eventually branch out into fiction, my favorite genre to read. Through my writing, I aim to provide value and assistance, hoping to inspire and support readers along the way.